
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Easy Home Organization Craft for Kids (or Adults)

The New Year is coming, where we'll all make resolutions to get organized, get in shape, etc.  Well, I can't help with getting in shape, but I can help with getting organized (in a creative way, of course!).  Here's a fun craft you can do with your child, teenager, or just for yourself....

DIY Decoupage Organizer 

Here's how to make this easy, but useful craft!
-  Clean, empty bread crumbs container (you could probably use an oats container, too!)
-  Several kinds of pretty paper (could be scrapbooking paper, magazine cut-outs, construction paper, comics, etc)
-  Scissors & glue
-  Mod Podge
-  Paintbrush


-  Clean out an empty bread crumbs container and let it dry (save the lid)

- Glue large pieces of paper to cover the outside of the container (we used a glue stick).

-  Cut out pieces of paper from your favorite magazine, scrapbooking paper, construction paper, books, comics, etc., and glue them all over the papered container.
-  When you're happy with it, it's time for the Mod Podge (which is one of my favorite things ever).  Using a paintbrush (we used a sponge brush, but a regular paint brush is fine, too), apply Mod Podge ALL over the outside of the container.
-  Here it is after the first coat!  Mod Podge dries very quickly, so you can apply your next coat after about 20 minutes (make sure it's dry to the touch).  We did a total of three coats.

-  After the Mod Podge is dry, your container will be smooth and shiny.  Then, put in your favorite odds and ends.  We needed a spot for our colored pencils.

And, here it is with the lid on!  There's no limit to how you can make a project like this your own!

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